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We are here to meet any business need and to promote your company online!

Chekiz increases your business, sales, and profits with most effective marketing method. SEO is a part of the internet marketing with the objective to increase visibility of a website.

Quality of work 98%
Speed of work 95%
Innovative ideas 97%

Technology is constantly changing, and it is obvious it takes our life to a whole new level. As the Internet has already become a powerful instrument of marketing, the technological…

Many years ago we created an infographic about how search works, from the perspective of a content creator, starting with their content and following it through the indexing & ranking process.

Best yet, not only does Google maintain their investment in payday loans via LendUp, but there is also a bubble in the personal loans space, so Google will be able to show effectively…

We build beautifully templates for your business

Business as a lifestyle

We view business planning as a very serious process. The future success of your venture will depend on how carefully you plan. We can guide you successfully through the development of your business plan. Taking shortcut in business planning now will keep you from reaching your goals later on.

Business project
Content marketing

A word for our customers